Tag Archives: Programming

C#: Day 4

Yesterday, I finished the 24 episode, 7+ hour, Channel 9, C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners. While I could have been done by Day 3, or having done an extra episode or two each day, I chose to do it in a total of four. That allowed me to blog about it since Day 1, write the actual code myself, do the adequate note taking and commenting, go back and review what I had written, and do a little programming of my own. I think that was a good pace. Next is the 35 episode, 11+ hour, Channel 9, Windows Phone 8 Development for Absolute Beginners. Having completed this series, I should be prepared enough (I certainly am excited enough).

Finally, lesson 18 through 24, were especially rewarding and captivating (not that the previous seventeen weren’t). My admiration of the IDE has certainly increased as it is very helpful having automatic indentation when writing code around previous code and then with Enumerations and what Bob Tabor refers to as IDE magic: It truly is magical having an entire code block inserted for you that you otherwise would have typed yourself. Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 is an exceptional Integrated Development Environment.

Although I don’t go into detail of what is covered in the series from lesson to lesson, Exceptions was a heartfelt topic as I have been thorough with it ever since programming the ARexx language and through the Assembly language as well as ActionScript. Really, I think it should be Etiquette (deviquette?). Events were very familiar too of course, being what Bob refers to as the drive of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application, which is close to what a few Doors were, with their Text-based User Interface (TUI), and also what ActionScript often is for, interactivity.

Concluding, below is the source code I wrote off the top of my head, summarizing C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners.

I initially thought of Collections, Objects, ClassesMethods and LINQ, although, to obviate the beginner syndrome, chose the straightforward approach of the Framework Class Library (FCL), specifically the Base Class Library (BCL) and fundamental Statements, Expressions, Operators, Operands, StringsArrays, EventsStatic Classes and Static Class Members, Methods and Properties. Undoubtedly, there is a preferable approach to the logic I did and possibility to refactor the code I wrote, nonetheless, it does what it is intended to do.

I had an encounter with the “Index was outside the bounds of the array” error of which I set a breakpoint for debugging. It was satisfying to step over each statement, through each iteration and the branching, observing the Locals and Error List window and to pin variables and their value to the source (Debugging was something I used to like while programming the Assembly language too). A subsequent Bing of the error message and I knew what to look for.

This is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application (Native Windows Application), with a window of which you have a textbox to type in, a button to click and a textbox of which will output how long it took to type and the character total. The intent is to type a text without an ensuing space after a punctuation and a lowercase subsequent initial letter. When you click the button, it will insert a space after each punctuation and uppercase the subsequent initial letter into a capital letter. I contemplated whether to decipher acronyms and abbreviations too.

Screenshots of the WPF Application.

The C# and XAML WPF Application before and after a click of the Fix button.

The auto generated XAML in the IDE from dragging Controls from the Toolbox as well as from the use of the Properties Window was remarkable.


<Window x:Name="QuickNote" x:Class="QuickNote.MainWindow"
        Title="QuickNote © Spiritus et Technologiae" Height="350" Width="525">
        <TextBox x:Name="Notes" Height="255" Margin="10,10,10,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="start typing here.click fix afterwards." VerticalAlignment="Top" ToolTip="Don't think of a space after punctuation or a subsequent capital letter. You do have to separate each word with a space and a sentance with punctuation though."/>
        <Button x:Name="Fix" Content="Fix" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="220,280,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click" ToolTip="Add a space at the end of each sentance and capitalize each initial letter."/>
        <TextBox x:Name="ElapsedTime" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="348,279,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="151"/>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace QuickNote     // © Spiritus et Technologiae
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;                          // Start the timer when the application launches

        public MainWindow()

        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //string textInput = Notes.Text;                        // Get the note into variable "textInput" of data type "string"

            char[] charArray = Notes.Text.ToCharArray();            // An array with the characters of the input
            string arrayChar = "";                                  // Declaration statement
            string nextChar = "";
            Notes.Text = "";
            int i = 0;                                              // A pointer for the next character in the array
            bool y = true;                                          // A flag, if true then uppercase character

            foreach (char Char in charArray)                        // Iteration statement
                if (i == charArray.Length - 1)                      // If there aren't any characters after the current character
                {                                                   // then break, preventing "Index was outside the bounds of the array"
                    i++;                                            // Increment the pointer each loop through
                    nextChar = charArray[i].ToString();             // Get next character into variable "nextChar", explicitly convert to
                                                                    // string, increment pointer to point to next character consecutively
                    arrayChar = Char.ToString();                    // Get the current character into the variable "arrayChar"

                    if (arrayChar == ".")                           // Following code is self-explanatory:
                        if (nextChar == " " || nextChar == ".")     // Decision statement
                            Notes.Text = Notes.Text + ".";
                            y = false;
                            Notes.Text = Notes.Text + ". ";         // Concatination
                            y = true;
                        if (y == true)
                            Notes.Text = Notes.Text + arrayChar.ToUpper();
                            y = false;
                            Notes.Text = Notes.Text + arrayChar;    // Expression statement

            Notes.Text = Notes.Text + nextChar;                     // The last character

            //string addSpaces = textInput.Replace(".", ". ");      // Replace punctuation with a punctuation and a space in the string
                                                                    // "textInput" to a new string "addSpaces"
            //Notes.Text = addSpaces;                               // Output the note with added spaces to the "Notes" textbox

            TimeSpan totalTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);  // Get total time since "Fix" was last clicked or application launched

            ElapsedTime.Text = String.Format(
                "{0} s. and {1} char(s).",                          // Format and explicitly convert timer and counter and output it
                                                                    // to the textbox "ElapsedTime"
                Math.Round(totalTime.TotalSeconds).ToString(),      // Chaining

            startTime = DateTime.Now;                               // Reset the timer when "Fix" is clicked

Get the executable program in a zip archive here. In addition, get the Channel 9 Windows 8 app here, like the Microsoft Visual Studio Facebook page here and get Visual Studio Update 1 here.

C#: Day 1

Cultural relic Commodore 64 home computer.

LOAD “$”,8,1

64 kB of RAM. Commodore 1530, SID, Commodore 1541, TAC-2, Floppy, Decrunchinget cetera. Introduction When we got our Commodore 64 I was so intrigued by the command-line interpreter, Commodore DOS, and fascinated by what my brother later did with BASIC, I had to try it for myself but only got a little further than Hello World. Later, I and my brother were introduced to the Demoscene as well, which sparked an interest for pixel art and coding that grew with subsequent computer platforms. I didn’t get far on the C64 and it wasn’t until after we got our Amiga 500 and then the Amiga 1200 that I really took to programming and pixel art (I love you Photoshop but you will never be my Deluxe Paint). During the A500 I developed an interest in the Amiga Workbench operating system. On the A1200 I developed further interest in hardware and software. I upgraded the A1200 from 14 MHz to 28 MHz, from 2 MB to an additional 4 MB RAM and a 40 MB HDD, next was a Motorola 68040 central processing unit at 33 Megahertz, 8 Megabyte of RAM, 540 MB Hard Disk Drive and had a 28.8k V.FAST Modem. Later, my brother talked me into breaking the bank on the Blizzard 1260 Accelerator with the Motorola 68060 CPU clocked at 50 MHz and with 16 MB Fast Memory. Sigh, the 39 MIPS in Workbench 3.0 (and Tornado) made it worthwhile. By then I had 1.1 GB HDD, more bauds and bits with a 57.6k Modem and a 6x CD-ROM. On it, I ran a Bulletin Board System, The Lock-Up BBS. Doors were the Apps of the time, for Bulletin Board Systems, which were the Internet equivalent of the time, sort of. As a Sysop, I was not satisfied with the available Doors so I quickly learned the ARexx language. I had a series of Doors when I jumped to the Assembly programming language and continued programming Doors. Optimizing the code became a passion. I even did CPU specific executables. I preferred customization and as a result my Doors were highly configurable. A few of my aliases were BigBang, Fusion and Dave. I had just begun coding a Workbench application at the time of the Commodore Amiga demise. When I got my first PC, with an AMD K6, I was turned off to programming on it at the time and quit (it wasn’t that easy breaking up with my Amiga and her Motorola 68000 family). Although, it was a good high-end PC at the time. Later though, I learned HTML and CSS. A while ago I was on and off ActionScript too but wasn’t convinced.

The Commodore Amiga 1200 personal computer.

Cultural relic A1200.

AGA, DOpus, X-COPY, D-COPYCloser by CNCD, ProTracker, OctaMED, Imagine, LightWave 3D, Joystick, Datic (Alfa Data) Chrystal Trackballet cetera. C Sharp Long overdue, I am finally going to be programming again. I chose C# (Visual C#) to go with the development of Windows 8 and in particular Windows Phone 8 apps and I will document the process here on my blog. Today I got around to begin the Channel 9, C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners. I have no knowledge of any C programming language prior. I have finished lesson 1 through 5 and so far almost everything is very familiar due to my previous knowledge. I like the free Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 too (I’ll always miss you ASM-One). The low level Assembly programming language put me off to high level programming languages up until recently (I prefer the Close to Metal approach) but now I have a newfound interest. I’ll summarize and go into detail for my second day. Clearly, I got lost in nostalgia for this first post. My Initial experience is positive though!

Screenshots of various BBS Doors and the Amiga Workbench.

The Lock-Up BBS

Screenshot collage of a few of my Doors, my BBS, a glimpse of my Workbench, and ANSI.